Home » Wind Reading Clinic

600 Yard Mid-Range Wind Reading Clinic
May 15th at 8:30am

The Challenge of Mid-Range Shooting in the Wind

Wind is the focus but we will also cover:

Shooting Disciplines
Shooting Strategies

Please arrive no later than 8:30AM

At least 60 rounds (69 grain or heavier for .223/5.56)
Eye and ear protection
Spotting Scope (if you have one)
Bi-pods, bags, mats, etc.
Loaner rifles may be available, contact organizer (see below)
Bring lunch and drinks
Shot Marker electronic targets are used; bring a phone or tablet if you have one

All are Welcome!
PLEASE register with organizer (see below)

Clinic Fee $30

Need a 600yd zero? Please stop by Saturday, the 7th or 14th at the 200 Yard firing line for help
Once you have a 600yd zero, you are welcome at Thursday practices 8AM to Noon and 4PM til tired

It takes all kinds of guns...

Contact Peter De Santis, 603-721-1985